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Ruthlys Himbeereis

Einfach und gut. Ruthlys Himbeereis ist schnell gemacht, sieht schön aus und schmeckt lecker. Es gilt, je geschmacksvoller die Himbeeren desto besser das Eis. 2 Gläser Früchtemark ergeben Eis für 8-10 Personen ZUBEREITUNG Himbeeren mit dem Stabmixer pürieren. Pro Glas Himbeermark  brauchst Du ein Eiweiss und 1/2 Glas Zucker. Alles gleichzeitig mixen, bis eine hellpinke schaumige Masse entsteht. […]

Challa – Das Schabbatbrot

Es gibt Challe-Rezepte mit Ei und solche ohne Ei. Gewisse Challes sind luftig andere schwer, die Dritten süss, die Vierten salzig und so weiter. Jede jüdische Hausfrau hat ihr eigenes Rezept, das sich oft seit Generationen bewährt hat. Heute kaufen viele jüdische Familien das Schabbatbrot in der Bäckerei. Eine selbst gemachte Challe ist durch eine […]

Hamans Ohren

Purim ist ungefähr zur selben Zeit wie Karneval. Man verkleidet sich, festet ausgelassen und erinnert sich dabei an die Heldin Ester und den Sieg über den bösen Haman. Im Kochbuch, aus welchem ich dieses Rezept habe, steht folgende Beschreibung jüdischer Festtage: „Sie versuchten uns zu töten; wir haben gewonnen; darauf wollen wir essen!“ Diese Beschreibung trifft […]

Choux à la Crème

Fortgeschrittene Feinbäcker und Feinbäckerinnen, dieses Rezept ist für euch. Vorausgesetztes Material sind einen Spritzbeutel und dazugehörige Tülle mit runder Öffnung (12 mm Durchmesser).  Pâte à Choux zu Deutsch Brandteig ist ein traditionell französischer Teig, der für Éclairs benutzt wird. In diesem Rezept spritzt man den Brandteig rund anstatt länglich wie bei Éclairs. Nach dem Backen […]

Lavender Sablés

When I worked at Bakery 29 in Tel Aviv my boss Maya tried recipes for the big Jewish holidays. Here is one of those recipes. My brother Leander told me to establish a business with only these Lavendel Sables. In other words they have an amazing taste. Served with some fresh fruits they make a […]


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. For three month I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London French Pâtisserie. Students from all over the world attended the classes and professional Chefs […]


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. For three month I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London French Pâtisserie. Students from all over the world attended the classes and professional Chefs […]

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French Pastry – An Introduction

What is the difference between cooking and baking? Where cooking is loose,  full of improvisation and  seasoning to taste, baking is an exact art. All ingredients are weighed to exact grams.  A pastry chef will also after 100 times weigh all his/her ingredients precise. A cook on the other hand would add salt in his […]

French Pastry – An Introduction

What is the difference between cooking and baking? Where cooking is loose and full of improvisation and  seasoning to taste, baking is an exact art. All ingredients are weighed to exact grams.  A pastry chef will also after 100 times weigh all his/her ingredients precise. This is correct for the French pastry not for all […]

French Pastry – An Introduction

What is the difference between cooking and baking? Where cooking is loose and full of improvisation and  seasoning to taste, baking is an exact art. All ingredients are weighed to exact grams.  A pastry chef will also after 100 times weigh all his/her ingredients precise. This is correct for the French pastry not for all […]

French Pastry – An Introduction

What is the difference between cooking and baking? Where cooking is loose and full of improvisation and  seasoning to taste, baking is an exact art. All ingredients are weighed to exact grams.  A pastry chef will also after 100 times weigh all his/her ingredients precise. This is correct for the French pastry not for all […]


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months French Pâtisserie. Students from all over the world attended the classes and highly professional […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]

Carrot Muffins

This is a simple carrot cake in muffin form with a cream-cheese topping. You can also bake it in a cake tin to get a different shape. It’s seriously delicious and really easy to make. If you do not have piping bags and piping shells to pipe the top don’t worry. Just put the cream-cheese […]