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Feel free to write me an E-Mail for questions, feedbacks or other to [email protected]   You find me on facebook via    


Feel free to write me an E-Mail for questions, feedbacks or other to [email protected]   You find me on facebook via    


Feel free to write me an E-Mail for questions, feedbacks or other to: [email protected]   You find me on facebook via    


Feel free to write me an E-Mail for questions, feedbacks or other to: [email protected]   Facebook    


Dieses Apfelmus ist cremig, süss-sauer und geschmackvoll. Am besten kocht man eine gute Menge Apfelmus und füllt es in Confituren-Gläser ab. So ist es mehrere Monate haltbar und man kann nach Lust und Laune davon essen. Es braucht etwas Zeit die Äpfel zu schälen, diese Arbeit kann man als Ruhequelle im Altagsstress sehen. Ich finde es […]


Dieses Apfelmus ist cremig, süss-sauer und geschmackvoll. Am besten kocht man eine gute Menge Apfelmus und füllt es in Confituren-Gläser ab. So ist es mehrere Monate haltbar und man kann nach Lust und Laune davon essen. Es braucht etwas Zeit die Äpfel zu schälen, diese Arbeit kann man als Ruhequelle im Altagsstress sehen. Ich finde es […]


Dieses Apfelmus ist cremig, süss-sauer und geschmackvoll. Am besten kocht man eine gute Menge Apfelmus und füllt es in Confituren-Gläser ab. So ist es mehrere Monate haltbar und man kann nach Lust und Laune davon essen. Es braucht etwas Zeit die Äpfel zu schälen, diese Arbeit kann man als Ruhequelle im Altagsstress sehen. Ich finde es […]


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am a student from Switzerland and 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. And no, I am not big. I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months and find myself […]

Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am a student from Switzerland and 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. And no, I am not big. I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months and find myself […]

Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am a student from Switzerland and 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. And no, I am not big :). I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months and find […]


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig   My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am a student from Switzerland and 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. And no, I am not big :). I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months and find […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are very good friends of our family and one of the few couples I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy together (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are very good friends of our family and one of the few couples I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy together (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are very good friends of our family and one of the few couples I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke up […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are very good friends of our family and one of the few couples I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke up […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are especially good friends of our family and the only couple I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke up at their […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are especially good friends of our family and the only couple I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke up at their […]


Feel free to write me an E-Mail for questions, feedbacks or other to: [email protected]    


Welcome to my blog Perl Aviva süss & salzig My name is Perl Aviva Muheim. I am a student from Switzerland and 21 years old. I love eating, that brought me to baking and cooking. And no, I am not big :). I studied at Le Cordon Bleu London for three months after finishing school […]

Naomi’s Dundee Cake

A few weeks ago I visited Naomi and Tamir in Israel. Naomi and Tamir are very good friends of our family and one of the few couples I know, that is married for many many years and still seems really happy together (maybe that is the magic secret behind this cake ;-)). As I woke […]